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Customer acceptance
The 3D holographic advertising machine is suitable for exhibitions, theaters, shopping malls, outdoor advertisements, airports, subways and other places with a large number of people, replacing traditional 2D print advertisements.
It can attract a large number of people's attention for merchants, which has a major role in the spread of commercial products and advertising sharing.
It can show product details and even the internal structure, so that the audience can understand all the internal and external structure of the product, giving the audience a more three-dimensional, clear, layered and unique expression. Let consumers buy more at ease, let customers be recognized for the effects of advertising and product communication.

业务:曾经理 手机 13825226525 电话 0755-28309880

售后:唐工 手机 13392422529

售后投诉:杨经理 电话 13128901052




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